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accurate at-home test results

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accurate at-home test results

The provider of health diagnostics solutions.
United States
iOS & Android apps
Driven by people and powered by technology, Primary.Health provides health diagnosis solutions for large public and private organizations in order to protect the US population.
Location:United States
2022 - 2022



the challenge

Health awareness has increased significantly since 2020. Healthcare authorities prioritize helping patients better understand their results, guiding them to the most suitable treatment options. However, to do that properly, an accurate diagnosis is needed. 

Primary.Health comes in with the mission to protect the US population by offering digital solutions that make it easier for a household to keep track of test results (e.g., COVID-19) and provide a seamless avenue to connect with the relevant health authorities for vaccinations.

the solution

In collaboration with Primary.Health, we undertook the design and development of their healthcare mobile applications. 

These mobile apps are a comprehensive tool for scanning, monitoring, and reporting test results to the appropriate health authorities for vaccinations. 

A standout feature of the app is its test result reporting functionality, which comes with a choice option for the type of test taken. This functionality also empowers health authorities to provide users with tailored guidance and the necessary support they require, ensuring a seamless experience for those seeking reliable health information and services.

the result


core tech

app development services

our contribution
  • iOS development;
  • Android development;
  • Quality Assurance;
  • Project Management.


  • Test results scanning with mobile phone;
  • Add and search for users;
  • Separate dashboards for each user;
  • History dashboard with test results;
  • Report test results, along with a choice option for the type of test taken.

tools & technologies

  • firebase
  • bitrise
  • Amplitude
  • Espresso


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Cluj-Napoca HQ: 9 Emile Zola Street, 400112, Romania
Dublin: 42 Pearse Street, D02 YX88, Ireland
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