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last-mile delivery service

Parcel Delivery and Courier App
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last-mile delivery service

Parcel Delivery and Courier App
Sustainable delivery solution
parcel management app
Empowering businesses and individuals to send, collect, and return small parcels at their own convenience through a network of agents and partner locations.
2019 - 2022

developingParcel Delivery and Courier App


the challenge

Our task was to digitalize a national courier service and rethink the parcel management process, elevating delivery from a simple transaction-based service to a sustainable option that reduces CO2 emissions and contributes to a greener future for our planet.

In close collaboration with the founders, we developed a system that improved communication among all stakeholders within the delivery company. This was coupled with the implementation of a fully electric and bike-based delivery model, projected to handle an impressive volume of 2.8 million parcels within the first year. 

the solution

Our solution provided a seamless experience with user-friendly integrations. It covered a wide range of features, including quick label printing, real-time package tracking, convenient sending and collection options, and simplified return processes. This placed all essential information at the customer’s fingertips, empowering them to make informed choices.

To meet the diverse user needs, we developed intuitive web and mobile applications (compatible with Android and iOS) for the end users, an internal application specifically designed for parcel delivery, as well as a robust web operational management platform.

Accessible across various devices, the Delivery Management and Information system gives businesses complete control over when, where, and what information their teams receive about parcel delivery and returns. 

the result


core tech


app development services

our contribution
  • UX/UI design;
  • iOS app development;
  • Android app development;
  • Web app development;
  • Project Management;
  • Quality Assurance;


  • API integration to multiple delivery softwares
  • Email integrations for multiple types of notifications
  • A suite of pre-created reports or easily create your own reports
  • Web widget to link agent map to the checkout so customers can select their local agent
  • Full parcel tracking
  • Reporting Dashboards
  • Bulk upload via CSV
  • Create and print labels

tools & technologies

  • bitrise
  • firebase
  • Azure
  • Circle CI


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contact us
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Cluj-Napoca HQ: 9 Emile Zola Street, 400112, Romania
Dublin: 42 Pearse Street, D02 YX88, Ireland
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