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MLOps solutions

Equality AI
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MLOps solutions

Equality AI
Modern technology that helps solve healthcare’s challenges.
web apps
Equality AI brings modern technology methods by developing an AI that reduces the risk of biased outcomes in order to solve healthcare's most challenging problems.
Location:Aspen, USA
2022 - Present

developingEquality AI


the challenge

In today's healthtech space, there are a lot of innovative solutions that help ease the medical processes. Many of these solutions use machine learning as an essential component. Unfortunately, machine learning models can create their own biases and unfairness. 

Equality AI's goal was to find and develop a solution to help solve healthcare's most challenging problems: inequity, bias, and unfairness.


the solution

Equality AI's web platform brings human-centred AI & ML solutions and provides a developer-first experience with an end-to-end fairness framework and functionality that can be selectively applied to workflows for fitting models that reduce the risk of biased outcomes.

Equality AI Responsible MLOps provides fairness-based machine learning capabilities for data scientists to develop and collaborate with clinical teams to decrease the risk of discrimination in clinical decision-making algorithms.

the result


core tech

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app development services

our contribution
  • UX/UI Design
  • Web development
  • DevOps support
  • Quality Assurance
  • Project Management


  • Multi-Factor authentication;
  • New project creation inside the portal;
  • Data files selection and upload;
  • Data storage in Azure;
  • Coding in the Notebook terminal inside the portal;
  • Results interpretation via charts and statistics;
  • Collapsable panel providing tips and instructions on various screens;
  • Pre and post-mitigation options;
  • Presentation website;
  • PDF rendering for the learning section inside the Presentation Website.

tools & technologies

  • Azure
  • Github Actions
  • Databricks
  • Datalake


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contact us
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Cluj-Napoca HQ: 9 Emile Zola Street, 400112, Romania
Dublin: 42 Pearse Street, D02 YX88, Ireland
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