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online community for investments

CAPInside | Investment platform for the German-speaking online community
web app
CAPInside is an investment platform that provides users with the latest news, trends, and strategies for their capital.
2022 - 2022



the challenge

CAPInside wanted to create an online community in German-speaking countries that focuses not only on investments but also on the news, the latest trends, and strategies that help grow their capitals. 
The platform needed to help connect investors and asset managers in the digital age, all through machine learning. 

the solution

CAPInside needed our help to expand its team. Together, we helped implement the face-lift and improved the UX and UI for already logged-in users, developed new features that capture B2C interest, and allowed professionals to offer their services on the platform.
Through machine learning, the platform helps connect investors and asset managers in the digital age.

the result


core tech

app development services

our contribution
  • Web Development;
  • Project Management;
  • Quality Assurance.


  • User dashboard with custom settings;
  • Search option for professionals in a certain geographical area;
  • Contact option for professionals that offer financial services.

tools & technologies

  • Github Actions
  • Google Cloud Platform


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contact us
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Cluj-Napoca HQ: 9 Emile Zola Street, 400112, Romania
Dublin: 42 Pearse Street, D02 YX88, Ireland
First things first!
Let’s start with your name
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