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Georgina Lupu Nominated Bottom-up #EiA's Top Entrepreneur & Innovator

Wolfpack Digital
working class hero at Wolfpack Digital
Apr 27, 2021 • 2 min

We are more than thrilled to see Georgina Lupu Florian, the CEO and founder of Wolfpack Digital, nominated Bottom-up #EiA's Top Entrepreneur & Innovator and super Connector in terms of Apps' Development: Web & Mobile (fintech, healthtech, IoT, entertainment & transportation)!


The bottom-up #EiA is ONE umbrella for the nominated top entrepreneurs & innovators from all over the world by the Global StartupCities initiative.

As a geo-economic movement, they aim to support global-EU entrepreneurs and innovators with the largest public-private Global-EU Consortium & Innovation Agenda impulse by LOCAL innovations ecosystems lead by entrepreneurs & innovators with a special focus on innovations outside big hubs, young, women, talented, and Widening countries.

Additionally, the Global StartupCities initiative proposed a top 10 actions and specific group of activities across four priorities: Market, Young, Women, and Talent

  • The Market. The global innovation ecosystemS will be led by women leaders with a pioneering role as ISOs (Innovation Strategy Officers) for each LOCAL innovation ecosystem. The aim is to accelerate the connectedness of the ecosystem's flagships and their businesses between global StartupCities (#innovation: startups, SMEs).
  • The Young, where the aim is that the StartupVillages will be the executive tool for engaging global-EU young entrepreneurs & innovators between rural-urban areas with #ErasmusPlus as a game-changer.
  • The Women to accelerate the global-EU support of venture capital for women entrepreneurs & innovators in global StartupCities #EUWomen4Future.
  • The Talent. The aim is to activate a global map for reskilling and upskilling new jobs and demand training courses in an agile way for global StartupCities and to be reflected in #NextGenerationEU.


The first version of Top Entrepreneurs & Innovators was published on March 31, 2021, by the #StartupCitiesSummit, and there are only 10 Romanian Entrepreneurs featured! We are proud to have Gina Lupu nominated among all the nominees across 180 cities and 42 countries. The list of Top Entrepreneurs and Innovators can be accessed through the Global Startup Cities official website.


Congratulations to all the Nominated entrepreneurs and innovators! We are more than happy to be on the map with everyone using emerging technologies and uses tech to make a change and have a positive impact on their community. We hope to meet you all!

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